We have come across some fascinating “WOW” ideas on Creativity, Science, Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology, that I thought you might find interesting and useful in your life. Consider yourself a member of the new “WOW Idea” club.
Besides being interesting ideas, we think they need to be SIMPLE, USEFUL and be REMEMBERED . So, I have tried to synthesis and simplify these ideas down to 3 basic concepts: 1-2-3 or A-B-C.
Here is an example of the Dale Carnegie course. Many people have taken the Dale Carnegie course on “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. His book has sold over 12 Million copies and has been translated into 39 languages since 1929. So it must have some useful and valuable ideas in it. But when I ask people, who have taken the course, about its essence or the things they have learned from it, they go blank or can’t remember.
So, here is the “WOW Idea” for Dale Carnegie, in a simple acronym “I - AS”. Here are the three things, according to Dale Carnegie, that everybody wants and needs, and does not get enough of. Everybody wants to feel IMPORTANT, be APPRECIATED and get SYMPATHY. So try to practice “I – AS” with people by telling them that what they are doing is IMPORTANT to you. That you APPRECIATE what they are doing and that is it not easy to do “.........” or to be in that “........” situation (SYMPATHY). This, I think, is the bases of Dale Carnegie’s insights. “Give people what they want and need and you will win friends and influence them”.
Below is your first “WOW Idea” via a Video with a web Link and a short description about the Topic, Author and some of my Notes... Enjoy!
I would love to hear from you to discuss these ideas and keep in touch, so give me a call (212.289.8856 or Skype me at ... andre de zanger) or send an e-mail creativityinstitute@juno.com
If you come across a “WOW Ideas”, please send it to me so we can share them with others.
Of course, if you would rather not get these “WOW Ideas”, just e-mail me and I’ll remove you from the list.
I do hope to hear from you.
All the Best
Andre and Judy de Zanger
Here is a video/talk by Jonathan Haidt (18:42 min) on “The Moral Mind” - real difference between Liberals and Conservatives
www.YourMorals.org (take the Test)
About this Talk:
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most.
1. Harm 2. Fairness 3. Ingroup 4. Authority 5. Purity
About Jonathan Haidt:
Jonathan Haidt studies how -- and why -- we evolved to be moral. By understanding more about our moral roots, his hope is that we can learn to be civil and understanding of those whose morals differ from ours.
“WOW Idea” Notes: “5 Morals Foundations” of the Moral Mind
1. Harm / Care
2. Fairness / Reciprocity
3. Ingroup / loyalty
4. Authority / Respect
5. Purity / Sanctity
Or simplified into: (FA-PHI)
Liberals value:
Conservatives value
And include
Liberals Counter:
Ingroup ... Celebrate Diversity
Authority ... Question Authority
Purity ... Keep your laws off my body
The Answer or Solution is ... “Oneness” the integration of opposites ...Yin/Yang CHANGE (Shiva-destroyed) / STABILITY (Vishnu-preserver)
“If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between “for” and “against” Is the minds worst disease”
Sent-ts’an 700 C.E.
(The same as Gnostic Gospel “When the two become one” Thomas 22)
Our Righteous Minds were “designed” to
-unite us into teams
-divide us against other teams and
-blind us to the truth
Andre and Judy