The Next Idea: Creativity and Innovation

Creative thinking tools, articles on creativity, free creativity events, ideas and innovation.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Andre is Co-Director of the Creativity Institute. He is an engineer, inventor, author, and seminar leader. He has facilitated "Creative-Innovation" projects at AT&T, Bell Labs, Ogilvy and Mathers, United Technologies, Federal Reserve and the DOD. He is the author of The Creative Genius Book, Zingers, TRIZ - 40 Principles of Inventing, Instant Selling and has co-authored the creativity chapter in The Advertising Managers Handbook (1997) and The Tao of Living on Purpose (1998). Andre is creator of INVENTIUM ® Card Game and the inventor of the "Flasher" (an anti-theft auto device), and the co-creator of the "Creativity Machine", a creativity computer software program. We have come across some fascinating “WOW” ideas on Creativity, Science, Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology, that we thought you might find interesting and useful in your life. Consider yourself a member of the new “WOW Idea” club. E-mail us at

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WOW IDEA # 2 A Stroke of Insight (a real stroke)

This “WOW Idea” is about Jill Taylor, a brain scientist who lost her “Left-Brain” in a stroke and gained the “Bliss” of the “Right-Brain” at a price.

It shows that we need the “Left-Brain” as a MEANS to an End (to Function in the world effectively) but the GOAL seems to be the “Right-Brain” (Bliss, Wonder, Awe, Love ... all the things that make life worth living).

We seem to be a living “Dialectic”. Some of us are more “Right” and others of us more “Left”. Is the answer again ... “Balance”?

On the left, nothing's right, and on the right nothing is left :-)

Hope you enjoy this talk. Keep in touch

Andre de Zanger
212 289-8856
Call me on Skype or Yahoo Messager


About this talk

Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story.

About Jill Bolte Taylor

Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery

One morning, a blood vessel in Jill Bolte Taylor's brain exploded. As a brain scientist, she realized she had a ringside seat to her own stroke. She watched as her brain functions shut down one by one: motion, speech, memory, self-awareness. Amazed to find herself alive, Taylor spent eight years recovering her ability to think, walk and talk. She has become a spokesperson for stroke recovery and for the possibility of coming back from brain injury stronger than before. In her case, although the stroke damaged the left side of her brain, her recovery unleashed a torrent of creative energy from her right. From her home base in Indiana, she now travels the country on behalf of the Harvard Brain Bank as the "Singin' Scientist."

"How many brain scientists have been able to study the brain from the inside out? I've gotten as much out of this experience of losing my left mind as I have in my entire academic career."
Jill Bolte Taylor


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